WHY THE OTHERS STILL HAVEN'T COME!? Bah actually we're all there, watching this kinda beautiful scenery (er...). The charcoals were still charging up and the fun was actually only beginning...
See that tiny little red dude amongst the tree trunks? Well that's me, shouting my lungs off to get Jay and Rol (who were both playing beach soccer) back for dinner. It took them quite long to get back. Looking at this picture now I can't help but to think that Jay said: Ignore that moron and let's continue...HUEHUEHUE... (not sure was that what he laughed out but judging by his mouth...maybe that was it...)
And so we ate and chatted and drank and whatever. Another friend of mine, Fook Sam was monitoring the kueh tiaw with me to deny the kamikaze attacks from abnormal and hideous looking flies. Soon we got overpowered. (I'm telling you, those flies were so 'fearsome' that they ignored our nerdy looking GO AWAY LAR shouts and arm swingings. They just landed and forced their way into the kueh tiaw. No exaggerations...this was for real.) He was dulan. The end product was that of the picture above. That brown patch of crap were the kueh tiaws, with the stupid flies in them. There went RM20 of food...
Soon it got extremely dark that we needed our hp lights to see our surroundings. I had 100% of battery power with me but I cheated Bennette into using his hp which was of 30% battery power. It was Bennette, so all was good x). Anyway, after having our 'starters' (which were meat balls, salad, sausages, chicken wings, etc.), we got to the 'time-to-rock' phase. Stingray eating! How kewl was that? Have a look see...
After the stingray eating ceremony, we proceeded to cleaning up the BBQ site as it was dark as...very dark. The rubbish bins around the area were ridiculous...their covers were made of cement wth...after throwing everything Sie Kai and I were...let's just say exhausted. Before leaving, one of our friends took our group photo. This was by far, the longest 'activity' of the evening. No pictures seemed to be right upon capturing...
Take 1: Clement where you looking at!?
Take 2: Roland where you looking at!?
Take 3: Fook Sam take off your glasses please...
Take 4: Can you all stop closing your eyes?
Take 5: Bennette what's that behind you...?@@; Bennette please smile...*
P.S: Erm...those white patches around Rol's row are finger marks from his camera lens...no paranormal activities were encountered throughout the night x)
We seldom do BBQs, so the chances of us having stomach aches for the coming days are...substantial. We'll see...when sem 2 starts off next Monday.
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